You are a business owner or you have a new business idea and you want to
bring it to life. Maybe you put too much effort into this job. You have done
market research, made industry-specific analysis or thought about all the
negativities, and as a result, you saw a profit in your new idea or business.
You sought support to make this happen. Let alone calling, maybe you didn't
explain your job correctly to the supporter you found. You explained the
business as a reality, but if you could not achieve this financially, it will
cause the supporter you find to not look at your job, even if it is your
When you are telling your business idea to your friends or a real investor,
that is, an angel investor, it is not described in a sketchy way. You need to
have financial documents on hand. In these documents, you have to present the
capital required for the business, the rate of return on the investment, the
payback period of the investment and the worst case scenario. For this, you
need to make a business plan.
Most of the investors, that is, angel investors, give positive answers to
businesses with neat, orderly and simple business plans, reaching up to 70%.
However, based on these data, 90% of entrepreneurs stay away from making a
business plan. However, we can list the benefits of the business plan as
1. The growth rate of businesses with a business plan has been determined
as 31%.
2. Enterprises with a business plan have an investment and loan utilization
rate of 51%.
3. A business with a business plan has a 130% probability of growth, while
a business starting from scratch as a new venture has a 250% probability of
It can be said that it is your timeline for the growth of your business. It
is a document that shows what your goal is and where you want to go. Angel
investors or credit institutions want to find out what they expect from your
company by looking at your business plan. They make a negative return for every
point they can't find. For this, the business plan is very important. Angel
investors in your business plan;
b) Number of personnel
c) Fixed costs
d) Sales volume
They want to access such data.
The requirement of a business plan; arises when your search for financing,
investment or loan arises, a new partner is sought, or a change is needed.
A. Executive summary: you are required to write a one-page text that
presents general information about your business.
B. Your company description: it should be a text explaining the foundation
of your business, the benefits it provides to humanity, and why your idea is so
C. Market research:
a) Location
b) Income
c) Gender
d) Education
You are expected to write a notification containing such information.
D. Competitive analysis: It is an analysis made to identify companies that
do the same job as you in the market you enter and to determine their strengths
and weaknesses.
E. Product or service description: It is an analysis that explains what
features your product has, its benefits to the environment, and what benefits
it has for your customers.
F. Your marketing strategy: it is a plan that includes all the information
that can set you apart from the competition, from what type of ads to use what
slogan to use.
G. Financial statements: Investors, ie angel investors, will want to learn
financial information about your company. Usually this information consists of:
a) Income statement
b) Profit-loss statement
c) Cash flow statement
d) Balance sheets
e) Your liquidity ratio
It is a document that presents such information.
H. Identify partners: It is a document that presents information such as
the education status and careers of your partners or employees, if any, in the
company establishment.
NS. Your loan or financing request: It is a document that explains the
amount of capital required for your business or idea, in the why and how query.
J. Company incorporation documents and permits: a document containing your
business title deeds, working papers and permits, state and federal
identification information.
short, your business plan is a plan made in order to clarify what you aim for,
how soon you can reach your goal, how much your financial forecasts match, to
know your market demographically, to see all the negativities that may come
your way.
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